Monday, April 27, 2015

number of cards:1
Location:366/368 Murray Street Colac 3250

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Monday, April 20, 2015

Layout Terms

1)A font serif is a small decorative line that establishes to the basic form of an original character

2)A margin is the edge or the border of something

3)A guide is something that helps you have better line control and do path controls easily through illustrator

4)Bleed refers to printing that goes beyond the edge of the sheet of paper before you trim it

5)CMYK is a color model used for color printing, it is also used for describing printing process itself

6)Image Resolution is the detail of an image that holds

7)Proof Copy is a copy of a book that is made from trial impressions that are are from composed type

8)ArtBoard is a very unique and powerful feature from the illustrator

9)Registration Mark is a print outside the trim area of printing

Friday, April 10, 2015


my superpower

A Super Power i would like to have is to have Invisibility because you can get out of trouble if nobody can see you, you can get a lot of money faster and easier by just walking into a bank and getting the money, get revenge on your enemies by tripping them or getting them in trouble. But on the other hand i would also like to have super speed because you can get through traffic faster, you don't have to ever take your car,airplane or train because you can run there with your super speed. There are also some disadvantages to having Invisibility because your clothes wont be invisible so you'll have to walk naked all the time, with super speed you might get tired of running for so long, you might not be able to fight that good because your going so fast you might not be able to see where your hitting.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

definitions and pictures

RULE OF THIRDS-The rule of thirds is a ratio of the Golden ratio with broad application as a guideline which applies to the process of composing visual images such as designs,films,and paintings.

RESOLUTION-A formal expression of opinion or intention made, usually after voting, a formal organization,club or a group the act of resolving or determining upon a action.

CAMERA FUNCTIONS-It records and stores photographic images in digital form. But many other current models are also able to capture sound or/and video in addition to still images.

AUTO FOCUS-Is an optical system uses a sensor, a control system and a motor system and a motor or a tunable optical element to focus automatically or a manually selected point or area.

WHITE BALANCE-It is the process of removing unrealistic color casts, so that the objects which appear white in person and rendered white in your photo.

SHOT TIMER-An electric shot timer measures the exact time from the starting signal to a shot being fired,they usually continue to measure the time between shots and track each shot that is fired.