Wednesday, April 8, 2015

definitions and pictures

RULE OF THIRDS-The rule of thirds is a ratio of the Golden ratio with broad application as a guideline which applies to the process of composing visual images such as designs,films,and paintings.

RESOLUTION-A formal expression of opinion or intention made, usually after voting, a formal organization,club or a group the act of resolving or determining upon a action.

CAMERA FUNCTIONS-It records and stores photographic images in digital form. But many other current models are also able to capture sound or/and video in addition to still images.

AUTO FOCUS-Is an optical system uses a sensor, a control system and a motor system and a motor or a tunable optical element to focus automatically or a manually selected point or area.

WHITE BALANCE-It is the process of removing unrealistic color casts, so that the objects which appear white in person and rendered white in your photo.

SHOT TIMER-An electric shot timer measures the exact time from the starting signal to a shot being fired,they usually continue to measure the time between shots and track each shot that is fired.

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